Synthesis of elBulli Cuisine

Three quotes from the synthesis:

  • “Cooking is a language through which all the following properties may be expressed: harmony, creativity, happiness, beauty, poetry, complexity, magic, humour, provocation and culture.”
  • “The information given off by a dish is enjoyed through the senses; it is also enjoyed and interpreted by reflection.”
  • “Knowledge and/or collaboration with experts from different fields (gastronomic culture, history, industrial design, etc.,) is essential for progress in cooking. In particular collaboration with the food industry and the scientific world has brought about fundamental advances. Sharing this knowledge among cooking professionals has contributed to this evolution.”

Celebrating technology: New directions for food research in HCI

From CHI ’08: “Food is a central part of our lives. Fundamentally, we need food to survive. Socially, food is something that brings people together-individuals interact through and around it. Culturally, food practices reflect our ethnicities and nationalities. Given the importance of food in our daily lives, it is important to understand what role technology currently plays and the roles it can be imagined to play in the future. In this paper we describe the existing and potential design space for HCI in the area of human-food interaction. We present ideas for future work on designing technologies in the area of human-food interaction that celebrate the positive interactions that people have with food as they eat and prepare foods in their everyday lives.”

Download available.

Front and Back Stage Thinking in Service Design

Adaptive Path’s Experience Design Director Ryan Freitas published his presentation ‘A House Divided: Two Perspectives on Managing the Customer Experience’.

Restaurants experiment with the elements of the dining experience that are hidden from their customers. If it makes sense to move elements of production forward, consider it as a means to build a compelling experience.”

Also, he refers to an interesting paper by Robert Glushko and Lindsay Tabas. Great stuff!

The Food Guide

Victor Lombardi (of NBS fame) introduces the concept of the Food Guide to guide people during their dinner through the dishes, tastes and textures. Quite a concept. “(…) the food is the focus and the restaurant provides a food-centric experience.”

A Food Designer is Somebody Working With Food (…)

Food as material – “Food Design makes possible to think in food as an edible designed product, an object that negates any reference to cooking, tradition and gastronomy. Guixé as a Food Designer builds edible products that are ergonomic, functional, communicative, interactive, visionary but radically contemporary and timeless.”

It’s like creating art with code but never execute the code and see what happens.